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Peg O'Brien | all galleries >> Photo a Day Gallery 2008 >> February > February 9
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February 9

Another delay at Reagan National Airport.

Nikon D80
1/160s f/6.3 at 20.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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leelou04-Jun-2008 01:24
Beautiful composition and perfect light V
monica memoli30-May-2008 10:16
Great! v
Guest 28-Mar-2008 00:16
Nice view angle.
Guest 24-Feb-2008 20:03
Nice composition! To be proud on.
Popko van Meekeren23-Feb-2008 08:32
Great shot. Well captured and a very interesting composition!
Matylda Lempel-Chareza Photography20-Feb-2008 17:41
well done,v
Guest 16-Feb-2008 22:37
Excellent image! Very expressive! V!
olivier bruning16-Feb-2008 19:18
wonderful shot....these chairs got all the time in the world! V
Thomas16-Feb-2008 19:11
great perspective and reflection! V
Antonio Ruggiero14-Feb-2008 17:07
Bella Photo....Bravo......V
Guest 14-Feb-2008 16:40
These chairs floating in the air are really surreal! Well seen and realized.