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29-DEC-2007 Ceya

Approaching Malaga 1

Sierra Nevada

Marie-José gave me the name of this area: Sierra Nevada. Thank you very much, Marie-José! The Sierra Nevada, meaning "snowy range" in Spanish, is a mountain range in the region of Andalusia in Spain.

It contains the highest point of continental Spain, Mulhacén at 3,479 metres (11,414 ft).

474 page views

Canon PowerShot SD700IS
1/200s f/5.6 at 5.8mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
bill friedlander27-Dec-2012 21:26
A stunning view of the magnificent mountains! A great introduction to Malaga! V
poetry66612-May-2008 17:50
Excellent viewpoint, Ceya.V.
Simon Chandler13-Feb-2008 05:15
Great capture. Impressive view. v
Yvonne13-Feb-2008 04:04
Wonderful shot Ceya, what a magnificent view!
Marcia Colelli13-Feb-2008 03:22
Very nice shot, looks like a beautiful place V
an nguyen13-Feb-2008 02:49
A very good arial shot. V
Guest 12-Feb-2008 23:34
Great view Ceya. Too bad you couldn't climb out on the wing to take a shot! :)
marie-jose wolff12-Feb-2008 22:38
wonderful view of the Sierra Nevada! V
Bill Robinson12-Feb-2008 22:21
What a spectacular view you had from the air Ceya.
mario .n12-Feb-2008 19:33
Nice view of aircraft ! V
Paco López12-Feb-2008 19:26
Great capture!!! V!
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