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David Chauvin | all galleries >> Galleries >> Personal Favorites > No Pictures Please
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No Pictures Please


This Snowy Egret seems reluctant to have it's picture taken.

Canon EOS 30D
1/800s f/9.0 at 700.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Sara C28-Feb-2008 19:35
Wow super Picture this is big Vote
Sara C
celine_thuret12-Feb-2008 10:28
Excellente photo !! bon cadrage et très belle netteté. V
Steve Morris08-Feb-2008 20:26
Superb shot David!!
missy_gardenwhimsy08-Feb-2008 11:02
Wow! Awesome photo! What an incredible bird! Your captions is too funny! Vote!
Milan Vogrin06-Feb-2008 21:04
Superb close up! V!
Sue Weisensel05-Feb-2008 18:51
Very sharp image and a unique pose to capture.
Lise Trempe05-Feb-2008 15:57
Incredible details and very good framing.
Toon de Smit05-Feb-2008 09:04
Great white(s)!
Guest 05-Feb-2008 09:03
Excellent timing!
Ghislaine et Réal Boulet05-Feb-2008 01:49
Excellent close-up.
Jean Chiasson05-Feb-2008 00:35
Wow fantastic close up and details David vote
Guest 04-Feb-2008 22:36
Great shot, funny title!
Jola Dziubinska04-Feb-2008 21:38
Perfectly sharp, superb catch. V.
Gerard Koehl04-Feb-2008 21:26
Wow... fantastique. Big vote