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TuTmin | all galleries >> Galleries >> Light ( Life ) > Lighting
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Jean-Luc Elias21-May-2011 20:13
Very nice image !! BV
Chad Ramsey06-Jun-2009 21:12
Very nice! I agree with the others, this is a work of art~V
Guest 20-Feb-2009 18:31
good composition excellent processing .v
dawn14-Sep-2008 22:40
great composition.
Giancarlo Guzzardi14-May-2008 10:58
beautiful... light and treatment
poetry66612-Apr-2008 15:27
Lovely lighting and use of selective colouring.V.
Milan Vogrin18-Mar-2008 23:04
Very very nice! Well done!
Stephen Cromer12-Feb-2008 20:55
Very nice. V
Emmanuel Panagiotakis11-Feb-2008 15:13
wonderful image well-done
Zaid Kurdi10-Feb-2008 17:00
Very lovely capture,fantastic composition and colors.....V.
monil09-Feb-2008 22:48
Very good composition.
Milos Markovic05-Feb-2008 12:30
marie-jose wolff04-Feb-2008 20:33
excellent composition! V
Carolyn Rasmussen04-Feb-2008 16:48
This is very well composed, TuTmin. The treatment is excellent. V
carabias04-Feb-2008 15:24
Excellent composition. V
Paco López04-Feb-2008 14:49
Very good compo!! V!
CM Kwan04-Feb-2008 14:44
Wonderful composition, TuTmin! It is a piece of art! V
Mohamed Mahmoud04-Feb-2008 14:29
Fantastic piece of art, really nice work
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