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Galina Stepanova | all galleries >> Gallery 2 >> Seasons of Backyard > My guest
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My guest

Canon EOS 5D ,Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro USM
1/30s f/10.0 at 100.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
bill friedlander21-Aug-2008 00:58
Your guest must really like you to let you get so close.
Excellent macro. V
Ronny Van Eeckhoutte17-Aug-2008 21:08
Everything that can be said about this photo has been said... Great!

Guest 21-Jun-2008 11:52
wow. Superb close-up. V
FrankB14-Jun-2008 12:23
awesome...tones, detail, composition, bokeh..everything...V
MarcWildPassion08-Jun-2008 17:18
Strong portrait of a friend
Stephen Hall29-Feb-2008 00:01
I really like this one!!! He's so cute!!! Most excellent insect portrait!! (v) SH
marita toftgard23-Feb-2008 07:48
great guest
looks a bit ancient:)
Sam_C22-Feb-2008 06:27
Superb, amazing close-up...WOW!! Big Vote!
fred_il18-Feb-2008 15:06
PauloCGama07-Feb-2008 01:30
fabulous macro dear friend.
a hug
Guenter Eh07-Feb-2008 00:12
This is truly the benchmark for an impressive b+w close up! Can`t stop looking to see all the details...! The background looks like a key board!? Amazing Galina!
Fong Lam06-Feb-2008 06:34
Looks creepy, more so in B/W.
Outstanding macro, Galina ~V~
Guest 05-Feb-2008 19:54
Absolutly stunning picture
Guest 05-Feb-2008 18:03
Impressive !
Robyco04-Feb-2008 10:55
Excellent !!
well composed and in this colortone very strong !!
shatterbug04-Feb-2008 07:53
Great macro...the b/w makes him look more menacing!
Sue Robertson03-Feb-2008 21:51
You do have a way with portraits!. This one is terrific.
Guest 03-Feb-2008 19:08
wwo, he/she looks very tired, need some water, a beauty and so close and big.
Gonzalo Garcia de Viedma03-Feb-2008 17:53
Wow !
Xavi Barneda03-Feb-2008 14:46
Superb macro! The B6W makes it more impressive V!
jlm03-Feb-2008 13:55
Excellent macro with a nice angle and a good dof
Milos Markovic03-Feb-2008 11:47
Rober has explained it perfectly...
Guest 03-Feb-2008 10:59
for high tea?

Disturbingly good macro...
Barbara Heide03-Feb-2008 09:14
aargh! excellent catch!
Giancarlo Guzzardi03-Feb-2008 05:07
the other face of the small things... impressive
great macro shot