Currently, in 2007, two young Gang gang Cockatoos (Callocephalon fimbriatum) have been raised in the breeding centre creche, while two other young of the same species have been raised by their adoptive parents, a Pink Cockatoo pair (Cacatua leadbeateri). In addition, a Gang gang Cockatoo pair has raised its own young.
Then, the young parrot needs to socialize itself, and for this reason, it lives for some time in a large cage with other parrot species. This communal life teaches it the fundamental rules of everyday life. If it is aggressive, it will calm down in contact with those more powerful than him, it will find also a mate and a pair will form and it will defend its territory without unhealthy or disproportionate aggressiveness against the other birds present in the same cage. It is perhaps what we name education in humans...
Copyright Nicole Bouglouan