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J. Scott Coile | all galleries >> People (18 Subgalleries) >> Self Portraits > Light Box XVII
January 10
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Light Box XVII
January 10


OK. One for Lee Rudd (always pleasing SPs with mood) and Bev
(queen bee of the Lensbaby and shallow macro) who I
both appreciate and admire. Some day, I hope to thank them
face-to-face for all of their effort here on Pbase and for
the inspiration that I get from each of them. Thank YOU!

Others sharing tributes and thanks can be found HERE.

Canon EOS 30D ,Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro
1/25s f/6.3 at 100.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Richard Calmes23-Jan-2008 20:30
Very well done SP....and also tribute!
Barry S Moore16-Jan-2008 05:45
Nice cropping
Lilith12-Jan-2008 22:32
Amazingly sharp! Intriguing crop.
Bill Ewart Jr12-Jan-2008 01:46
I knew it! As soon as I saw the thumbnail I thought, Lee Rudd!!!!!!!! Great job!~
Dana11-Jan-2008 20:55
REally well done. You captured a great look in your eye.
Guest 11-Jan-2008 14:21
Fantastic sp and tribute!!
Guest 11-Jan-2008 10:01
SPs with the 100 are quite a challenge! This leads to this very clever use of the frame.
shatterbug11-Jan-2008 06:05
Terrific the dramatic lighting too!
Scott Browne11-Jan-2008 05:37
Really well done SP. Great lighting.
carol j. phipps11-Jan-2008 04:15
Outstanding. Vote
s_barbour11-Jan-2008 02:36
Fabulous detail Scott, very well done!
Julie Hatvany11-Jan-2008 02:23
A very nice tribute and a great self portrait
Guest 11-Jan-2008 02:18
Great SP. Really nicely done.
Sheila11-Jan-2008 01:59
Excellent sp! Bravo.
Bryan Ramsay11-Jan-2008 01:36
Great SP!! -BJ
Cindi Smith11-Jan-2008 01:18
Fantastic tribute...they are going to love this!
mojoflowerchick11-Jan-2008 00:14
great job.. love it.. good tribute..
Nancy Lobaugh11-Jan-2008 00:11
love the lighting...
Phillip Normanton10-Jan-2008 23:44
Excellent tribute SP but I think you slightly over-did the beard trimming ;-)
Gayle P. Clement10-Jan-2008 23:22
Very well done, Scott.
Guest 10-Jan-2008 22:52
what an eye ... great SP!
Coleen Perilloux Landry10-Jan-2008 22:44
Well done, Scott. I see Ellie's mouth and eyes here.
Dick Lowthian10-Jan-2008 22:33
Very nicely done.
Inga Morozoff10-Jan-2008 22:20
Tease! ;-)
David Clunas10-Jan-2008 22:03
just looked at the exif, even more impressive!
Guest 10-Jan-2008 22:01
Superb SP, Scott, and excellent control of lighting! A great tribute! :>)
JW10-Jan-2008 21:51
Yea but how do we know you whiskers are the same colour as Lee's? ! LOL!

Great framing and angle!
Nicki Thurgar10-Jan-2008 21:43
Brilliant Scott! Roll on that international meet up day...! :o)
Barbara Heide10-Jan-2008 21:36
Johnny JAG10-Jan-2008 21:07
Very cool SP.
Lee Rudd10-Jan-2008 21:07
when Pbase gets the learjet fixed we'll be right over! Nice stare :)
Guest 10-Jan-2008 21:06
Brilliant SP, love the detail in the eye.
Michael Shpuntov10-Jan-2008 21:05
Great macro close up thingy SP :-)
Jola Dziubinska10-Jan-2008 21:01
Perfect closeup SP, excellent done Scott.
royalld10-Jan-2008 20:55
Awesome SP, Scott.
beverley harrison10-Jan-2008 20:52
this is super scott...and thank you for the kind the pbase transglobal meet?
Dan Chusid10-Jan-2008 20:49
Move over...we can't see Lee!
Guest 10-Jan-2008 20:48
thats a really intense gaze! excellant SP!
Ann...10-Jan-2008 20:45
Excellent SP and tribute entry!
Faye White10-Jan-2008 20:40
superb entry!
Guenter Eh10-Jan-2008 20:30
The eye of the tiger (sorry I`m just thinking about my last upload) - intense, great Scott!
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