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debbeeanne | all galleries >> 2008_pad >> january2k8 > We Have Ways . . . Of Making You Floss!
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We Have Ways . . . Of Making You Floss!

Every six months, the phone will ring and I hear "Deeebbbbiiiiee, it's Ellommmma--time for your dental cleaning (just imagine a cheerful sing-song voice)! Why do we dread the dentist's office? It's not like I have lots of bad memories; I didn't have my first cavity till I was about 30. It's just that they have all these instruments of torture--I mean cleaning tools! They look very dangerous and painful. But actually, Terri, my dental hygienist, is very gentle and it is mostly painless. And she is fun to talk to. Well, she does most of the talking and I just say "Uh-huh" and "Huh?" My teeth feel so nice afterwards, and I'm free--for another six months!!

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Roy Hocking01-Feb-2017 08:09
They are called instruments and he's a professional if my teacher caught me saying tools she would kick me right out da door. BTW great looking dental instruments :).
jdant20211-Jun-2015 16:20
This is a pretty neat shot. I really like the effect of the light. I can't say that I'm always excited when I see these tools in person, but dentists can do some pretty amazing things! Thanks for sharing this.
clark langley09-Jan-2008 05:02
They paid you to say that ;~}
Great shot/lighting by the way.
Guest 09-Jan-2008 03:07
Well done
John Buffin08-Jan-2008 22:36
I hate dentists. I haven't had a decent one in a long time. My last one was especially crafted in pain deliverance. I need to find one of those dentists that put you out and you wake up an hour later all done. Great (creepy) shot.
Vincent Ethier08-Jan-2008 21:35
I will speak!!!!!!!
Todd08-Jan-2008 21:17
Excellent! I just got home from the dentist after a crown & filling.
The novacaine hasn't quite worn off. So the lighting of image and the
dull ache in my mouth really are working together. :)
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