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Johnny Rasmussen | all galleries >> Galleries >> My winter Gallery > Early winter light
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11-NOV-2007 Johnny Rasmussen

Early winter light

( See original for large view )

View towards the city.

This is one of my first shots using manual settings only.

Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi
1/100s f/6.3 at 18.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 12-Jan-2008 16:00
Superb panorama!
Craig Persel09-Jan-2008 02:13
monil07-Jan-2008 16:26
Very nice composition and good work.
laine8207-Jan-2008 14:59
It's beautiful & a definite print shot. V
Guest 06-Jan-2008 20:46
Nydelig broder`n...:-)
Liker den gammeldagse fargen.! Stor V fra meg:-)
Wenche Aune04-Jan-2008 23:45
Helt supert. Flotte reflekser, nydelig lys og toner. V
Aud Elise Sjøsæther04-Jan-2008 20:07
Et flott lys. Liker formatet godt! -Og toningen får meg til å tenke på gamle dager : ) V
Máire Uí Mhaicín04-Jan-2008 10:37
It is a wonderful shot Johnny! Marvellous clarity and the mirror-reflection of the water is great.-v-
Carolyn Rasmussen04-Jan-2008 06:03
Helt enig med både CC og JF. Supert! V
Jan Frode Aase04-Jan-2008 05:31
Vakkert, og som kommentaren til CC sier; MÅ sees i original view.
Liker formatet veldig godt, sammen med toningen. Nostalgisk inntrykk.
Et godt byportrett. V
Colin Clarke04-Jan-2008 02:45
Johnny, this is marvelous, especially at Original view! Great job. I hope you will have this printed, and on your office wall. The tone is just right, the light is excellent, and the detail is very good. Bravo! ~V~
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