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PAD 2007

A photo a day, every day in 2007.

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Linda12-Jul-2008 22:52
Wonderful work - this is the first time that I have seen anything like this ... inspiring and so meaningful... Thanks for sharing ~V~
Guest 11-Jan-2008 20:21
Congratulaions Rose! Quite an accomplishment!
David Mingay05-Jan-2008 10:39
congrats on finishing a year. May it be the first of many!
Ric Yates02-Jan-2008 17:26
Congratulations on completing the year!
Carole Stevens02-Jan-2008 12:53
Stunning work Rose this must have taken hours!
Nick Powell02-Jan-2008 09:27
Well done on achieving a photo a day, an excellent compilation. Wishing you all the best in 2008.
Gail Davison01-Jan-2008 13:28
yay. Congratulations and a happy new year, Rose.
Sheila01-Jan-2008 07:47
Congratulations on a year of PaD!
Happy New Year.
Dave Hein01-Jan-2008 03:52
Great work! This took some time.
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