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swamp creature

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aliusvetus09-Aug-2009 19:44
No exacto momento! Que mimo de fotografia!!
12320-Apr-2008 04:39
Fabulous memento. V
Christine P. Newman06-Jan-2008 00:48
Oh, grandpa!
Jose Canovas03-Jan-2008 23:06
Tan natural!
Sam_C25-Dec-2007 08:36
Awesome! What a great moment captured. V
Roe..24-Dec-2007 23:10
you just added another smile :) Merry Christmas
Ana Carloto O'Shea24-Dec-2007 21:18
It's so good that are photos like this that can bring a smile to the most grumpiest of faces. It's even better to celebrate the fact that there was a photographer around that could react fast enough to capture such priceless moment... Unforgettable!