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Sony DSC-R1
1/125s f/5.6 at 14.3mm iso160 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Silvia Roitman21-Dec-2007 17:01
very very nice!!1
Guest 21-Dec-2007 14:35
prachtige sfeerfoto, chapeau.
Guest 21-Dec-2007 13:41
Nicely done. Jv V~
olivier bruning21-Dec-2007 12:57
schitterend Sebas! ~V~
Ceya21-Dec-2007 05:29
Great light and mood! V
Guest 21-Dec-2007 02:58
Magical! V
Larry Ahern21-Dec-2007 01:33
Powerful and beautiful
Guest 20-Dec-2007 22:44
Nicely done
Marjan Schavemaker20-Dec-2007 22:18
Heel aparte foto, Sebas! Zou ook geraffineerd zijn in zwart/wit! V