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Chris Sofopoulos | all galleries >> The flamenco concept >> Ensayo >
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Canon EOS 20D
1/125s f/4.5 at 140.0mm iso3200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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laine23-Nov-2009 21:34
You have captured the graceful flow & emotion !!
Guest 16-Mar-2008 02:27
Lovely mood capured.V
Robyco22-Dec-2007 21:43
Again you show us how it can be done !!!!
caveman_lee21-Dec-2007 16:44
Another great capture of the eyecatching dancers.
Gail Davison20-Dec-2007 21:54
Such beautifully coloured dresses. Each time you add a new colour I think it's the best one!
sebas veldhuisen20-Dec-2007 17:31
How do you do it?! Great! Vote
CM Kwan20-Dec-2007 13:53
You wonderfully captured the beautiful motion of the dancers! Very well done, Chris! V
Vince20-Dec-2007 11:19
Superb! Excellent photographic work. Vote.
George Christakos20-Dec-2007 11:01
Excellent Chris. Works perfect in color. V.
Hodero20-Dec-2007 09:09
All Action!!
Guest 19-Dec-2007 21:04
Ronny Van Eeckhoutte19-Dec-2007 20:46
I like it!

Silvia Roitman19-Dec-2007 17:31
Azlin Ahmad19-Dec-2007 17:25
Very cool! V
J. Scott Coile19-Dec-2007 17:15