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Carol E Sandgren | all galleries >> Galleries >> San Francisco Style > Cocoon
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Hyatt Embarcadero, San Francisco

Canon EOS 300D Digital Rebel
1/30s f/4.0 at 40.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
William Barletta13-May-2009 03:08
Wonderful image. Brava!
Dallas Hyatt06-Mar-2008 04:55
Fantastic! I've never shot this guy nearly so well.
Jim Chiesa31-Jan-2008 17:19
Wooh, very weird. Looks like one of your hair curlers, Carol ? Just kidding ;)
northstar3718-Dec-2007 23:04
a dream catcher
Georgia Roessler18-Dec-2007 18:48
Dynamite shot! wonderful perspective.
This one's a real winner.
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