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Ian York | all galleries >> Galleries of Ian York >> Meet Ups >> Norwich GtG > So is Santa
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9th December 2007 Copyright © Ian York 2007

So is Santa


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Guest 27-Dec-2007 20:03
See Santa brought you a stencil kit,Ian!!!!!:>)
Jola Dziubinska27-Dec-2007 18:56
Francisco Figueras27-Dec-2007 14:16
great find!! !
Peg O'Brien27-Dec-2007 14:03
Somebody has talent for putting two very different ideas together - then there's the good photographer who notices! Nice job, Ian!
BleuEvanescence27-Dec-2007 07:13
This is made me smile
carol j. phipps27-Dec-2007 03:57
Far out!
Dave Hein27-Dec-2007 03:54
just what the retailers wanted: another procrastinator!
still a neat find!
Barbara Heide27-Dec-2007 01:13
spot on: excellent find! v
Matylda Lempel-Chareza Photography26-Dec-2007 19:36
Maaike Huizer26-Dec-2007 15:11
Very well spotted. Beautiful image.
Barry S Moore26-Dec-2007 06:45
Sad but so true. Great find.
mathilda williams26-Dec-2007 02:25
well seen :)
Gail Davison15-Dec-2007 19:57
I hope he doesn't get all the bargins!