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Sheila | all galleries >> Galleries >> Lensbaby >
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GeneWard26-Oct-2011 01:48
a very cool shot!
Guest 23-Dec-2008 20:41
Wonderful abstract.
The play of colors are awesome!
BAS Photography15-Dec-2007 11:43
Lovely abstract! ~V~
Al Chesworth15-Dec-2007 11:15
Lovely effect, I wonder what the "lens mummy" would look like.
joanteno15-Dec-2007 10:33
Very nice abstract
beverley harrison15-Dec-2007 08:50
i love it when the lensbaby does that!
fred_il15-Dec-2007 08:39
excellent effect!
shatterbug15-Dec-2007 06:50
Delicious abstract you've created here, the colors and diagonal comp!