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Martini and Chocolate

FujiFilm FinePix A345 Zoom
1/30s f/2.8 at 5.8mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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dane16-Dec-2007 07:53
sassy/sexy. Very creative. V
Bob Floyd16-Dec-2007 03:49
Oh my! Bartender, pour me another. ;-)
Jola Dziubinska15-Dec-2007 20:49
Very good vodka and shot :)
Cindi Smith15-Dec-2007 15:04
This is fabulous! How awesome!!!!!!! Love those socks!
Will Denney15-Dec-2007 14:36
very nice! for some reason, now i want a candy cane!
mojoflowerchick15-Dec-2007 13:57
hey. i want those socks.. cool shot..
Nicki Thurgar15-Dec-2007 09:06
LOL! Vodka and socks are just as good! ;0)
beverley harrison15-Dec-2007 08:29 the stockings!!
Guest 15-Dec-2007 03:34
Love it! Very fun shot! Great stripey socks. :)
Winter2715-Dec-2007 03:25
Quit! I gotta go have a martini now. I'm like Pavlov's damn dog!!
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