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Antonio Ruggiero | all galleries >> Antorug&Works - 6 subgalleries >> Antorug photographer Antorug - Colors > WHY
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Buba Jafarli30-Sep-2012 20:13
Why are you asking this question, good man? Believe me, we love you just the way you are! :) VVV
Matylda Lempel-Chareza Photography18-Apr-2008 19:18
being yourself"=be extraordinary=be rare=be solitude
Eldar Kadymov11-Apr-2008 19:35
Because "being yourself" could happen only on isolated island, so better be extraordinary instead of being somebody else, LOL !
Jason Anderson02-Jan-2008 18:45
But maybe "yourself" is better than "extraordinary." Thought-provoking :o)
danny 13-Dec-2007 02:12
what if being myself , means that i am being extraordinary
Ann...07-Dec-2007 22:50
Who wouldn't want to be extraordinary?????