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playing with the lights

Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi
1/80s f/2.0 at 30.0mm iso400 full exif

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Guest 13-Jun-2008 16:29
Great light
Guest 20-May-2008 01:37
Fantastic SP!
Mindy McNaugher26-Dec-2007 05:36
Fabulous SP!! Vote! Merry Christmas!!
Guest 25-Dec-2007 03:14
Merry Christmas,Bev.

SRW24-Dec-2007 21:46
Ooh: hadn't seen this before! Wonderful shot, and great, great use of light!
Have a wonderful Christmas...!
Guest 24-Dec-2007 13:49
Wooow! Looking gorgeous and very festive!
Dana11-Dec-2007 18:45
This is fabulous! Love the lights.
poetry66602-Dec-2007 17:08
I love the mood of this one Beverley.V!
Dave Wixx01-Dec-2007 16:50
Chris01-Dec-2007 15:25
You're electric! Great SP and ditto - great hair cut. Chris
Guest 01-Dec-2007 14:19
Ian York01-Dec-2007 10:12
An exellent shot... but im still in the bar humbug position of saying it's still November :)
have a great weekend
Scott Browne01-Dec-2007 06:32
Woo hoo! Great lighting. Although I think you cropped the image a bit too high because I can't see your ornaments. ;-)
Guest 01-Dec-2007 05:17
i like the lighting!!!
Gayle P. Clement01-Dec-2007 02:34
Super light and terrific haircut.
mojoflowerchick01-Dec-2007 02:01
hey pretty lady. i am lovin this one.. those lights are AWESOME...
John Buffin01-Dec-2007 01:52
You're all kinds of naked aren't you? =)
The effect on the tips of the lights is sweet!
Jola Dziubinska01-Dec-2007 01:22
Oh, and I like your haircut very much :)
Jola Dziubinska01-Dec-2007 01:21
Very sexy look and those fluffy lights are so cute :)
Beautiful, radiant SP, Bev, vote.
Cindi Smith01-Dec-2007 01:04
Bev, this is one of those that just makes you go ahhhhh! Wonderful shot and I love your haircut! You even have sexy Christmas lights!
Ray :)30-Nov-2007 23:49
Yeah, you certainly look playful ;-)
Rose Atkinson30-Nov-2007 23:34
Very sexy !!!
Sheila30-Nov-2007 23:34
I can hear Hot Chocolate in the background singing, You sexy thing LOL.
Sue Roberts30-Nov-2007 22:40
Guest 30-Nov-2007 21:41
go you vixen you!!!! woooo hoooo and cat calls and hey baby!!!!! LOL you look hot!!! VOTE
Victoria30-Nov-2007 20:51
Happy Christmas , beautiful collections
Nicki Thurgar30-Nov-2007 20:38
Oooh... I love those lights!! Are they fluffy?! Great SP Bev!
JW30-Nov-2007 20:33
Are you Bev's younger sister, then? ROTFL! Superb SP!
Guest 30-Nov-2007 20:26
You look beautiful. Great shot !!
Guest 30-Nov-2007 20:15
really beautiful
Ann...30-Nov-2007 20:14
Positively glowing and very festive!!!
Guest 30-Nov-2007 19:56
Love the creativity
J. Scott Coile30-Nov-2007 19:51
Old PING...

Mine is not sexy though ;-)
Máire Uí Mhaicín30-Nov-2007 19:48
lol at Lee's comment! You do look very glamorous in this light attire!
Johnny JAG30-Nov-2007 19:44
Careful where you put the plug!
Lee Rudd30-Nov-2007 19:39
is that what they call strip lighting?
Jen Bixler30-Nov-2007 19:37
LOVE the haircut! ;o)
Phillip Normanton30-Nov-2007 19:36
Do they tickle?
Jen Bixler30-Nov-2007 19:35
Those lights never looked so good!