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Chris Sofopoulos | all galleries >> The flamenco concept >> Ensayo >
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From yesterday I am on vacation, far from my computer
but I will try to upload in the Ensayo gallery and
comment your photos even with a slow connection;)

Canon EOS 20D
1/25s f/4.5 at 170.0mm iso3200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Ronny Van Eeckhoutte10-Dec-2007 23:06
Excelent timing.
Kiriakos Korakis03-Dec-2007 13:01
A Stunning image !
V !
Enrico Martinuzzi26-Nov-2007 21:16
What a fantastic shot! GMV
Sam_C25-Nov-2007 06:52
Superb shot!! Big Vote!
Guest 22-Nov-2007 16:01
Fantastic shot!
Milos Markovic20-Nov-2007 11:32
Gilles Navet19-Nov-2007 11:38
Le regard qu'on ne voit pas, le mouvement, les forme ........
Une merveille
Wenche Aune19-Nov-2007 08:26
QUERIDO19-Nov-2007 07:16
Beautiful shot,vote
Guy Dube18-Nov-2007 23:22
A good catch Chris, nice shot! V
Silvia Roitman18-Nov-2007 15:16
excellent capture!!!bravo!!v
ltolksdorf18-Nov-2007 09:44
You caught the movement very well.
shatterbug18-Nov-2007 07:43
Wonderful passion captured here...great shot!
Paco López18-Nov-2007 06:46
Very good!!!! V!!!!
fred_il18-Nov-2007 01:54
amazing one!
Guest 18-Nov-2007 01:50
J. Scott Coile17-Nov-2007 23:53
Guest 17-Nov-2007 23:13
The perfect lighting and tones for this image.
Robyco17-Nov-2007 23:10
The expression is perfect !!
Guest 17-Nov-2007 22:38
Outstanding picture! Expression , light , shadows, are a must.
By the expression, still looks to me as Flamenco dance
Kind regards