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Tim van Woensel | all galleries >> Travel >> South Island, New Zealand > Scenery near Westport
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24-SEP-2007 T. van Woensel

Scenery near Westport

South Island, New Zealand

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Guest 13-Apr-2009 18:40
Splendid nature. Very nice shot!
Buba Jafarli01-Apr-2009 14:16
Absolutely beautiful! Great shot!
Guest 10-Mar-2009 12:20
So peaceful.
marko gregoric09-Feb-2009 18:54
Wonderful place and very good shot. V.
Milan Vogrin03-Jun-2008 06:45
Great view!
Michel CORBOZ30-Nov-2007 23:01
New Zealand seems to be exiting ! V
Guest 29-Nov-2007 15:39
De nevel maakt de foto af
Tom Briggs27-Nov-2007 12:08
Fabulous photo under difficult light conditions ... voted
Guest 19-Nov-2007 17:47
regi olbrechts18-Nov-2007 09:59
Very nice!
dond16-Nov-2007 17:02
Lots of depth to this image. I like it.
Ken Zaret13-Nov-2007 01:41
now there's a mellow shot! good job.