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gardener | all galleries >> Galleries >> Best birds of Provence > IMG_0896.JPG
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This robin knocked its head on the window and was rescued by my wife who took the picture with her Canon Ixus 750, with her right hand with the bird perched on her left hand! Nice shot. The bird, once recovered, flew away. Since we feed the wild birds all winter, they are fairly tame and unafraid.

Canon PowerShot SD550
1/250s f/2.8 at 7.7mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Donna Hollinger17-Oct-2024 01:53
Lovely Robin! ~V~
Claude Gagnon28-Apr-2012 11:59
Histoire intéressante pour sauver ce Merle :))
marko gregoric14-Feb-2010 14:02
A wonderful peaceful shot. V.
Diane Wu04-Jun-2009 05:43
Lieve Snellings20-May-2009 02:01
so sweet the bird on her hand, and such a nice story
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