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William Burke | all galleries >> Galleries >> In a Word > Heartland
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This isn't just a valley; it's an extended family, composed of sovereign individuals
each endowed with inalienable rights by their creator.
Multiple generations of neighboring families
living, marrying, working, building, dying, and, when required
- fighting together.

The American heroes of WWII from this valley were held together by a common faith
- in their God, and in their Families, and in their Nation;
and held together by the land which sustained them;
much of which is no longer owned by their families
- or even by Americans.

As Hank Williams Junior sang "A country boy will survive".

Faith, Family, Friends, and Fellowship
A foundation of Four Fs; that is what enables the country boy to survive.
That's what Obama and his followers are searching for, in vain,
in their fruitless collectivist meanderings.
They can't quit see it, but they sense a shadow of its form in the illusion Obama presents...
and so they follow him.

The American Heartland is no Marxist abstraction;
it is an American treasure built BY Americans, FOR Americans;
but it's being lost, squandered;
sold out because a monetary tool became the object of worship.
The market is NOT God, people.

But we forget...

"These are your gods, O Israel, who brought you up out of Egypt."
--Exodus 32:4

... and so perhaps now, like the Israelites before us,
we stand on the edge of a sandy wilderness.

Forget about the 1's and 0's.

Got Foundation?

Canon EOS 1D Mark II N
1/800s f/5.6 at 400.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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