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Robbie D70 | all galleries >> Galleries >> The Humour Gallery > Simon-and-Sallys-Mistake.jpg
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Simon and Sally took fancy to some fresh lettice over in the distance.
They thought it would be wise to take a short cut . Ouch ooh ahh ...

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Sam Rua09-Sep-2017 18:50
Ha! That's very amusing. And creative.
Juliette14-Sep-2016 09:06
the best of this gallery V
carabias17-Dec-2015 15:23
A very nice composition! V
Sam Rua28-Jun-2015 18:22
Very creative --- and nicely executed.
nige5010-Mar-2008 21:45
Get right to the point ?
Kathy Pedersen24-Oct-2007 17:52
This is great :-) Nice shadow play and dof~
Guest 24-Oct-2007 17:51
Fabienne24-Oct-2007 13:56
AH, ah, c'est excellent :-))
Guest 23-Oct-2007 22:46
Wow...this is so cute! Very creative!!
Guest 23-Oct-2007 20:01
John Ireland would be proud of you Robbie!!Great fun image! :o)
Jen Bixler23-Oct-2007 18:09
Made me smile!
Nick Powell23-Oct-2007 12:28
LOL very creative, well done! V
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