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j>a>e>17 :):):) | all galleries >> Galleries >> belt out ALLL YOUr cherished heartsongs AWELIVE!!!! :):):):) > lyrical leafy pal named sweet karen carpenter...
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17-OCT-2007 John Charles Williams Ireland

lyrical leafy pal named sweet karen carpenter...

Fall Freedom Forever Family Forest

sweet close to you song
colorFULL tune of longing
precious gold of love

dear fall following
amazing pathway of dreams
no limit living

real angel on earth
creating sweet memories
years melting away

"17" whispers in the woods :):):)

dream~~~dare~~~dive!!! :):):)

for my unique autumn pal who will know... :):):)

always close to you caring with sweet karen carpenter :):):)

why do birds

suddenly appear?

everytime you are near

just like me

they long to be

close to you

why do stars

fall down from the sky?

everytime you walk by

just like me

they long to be

close to you

on the day that you were born

the angels got together and decided

to create a dream come true

so they sprinkled moondust in your hair

of gold and starlight in your eyes of blue

that is why all the girls in town

follow you all around

just like me

they long to be

close to you

just like me

they long to be

close to you

woo... close to you...

Canon PowerShot SD110
1/60s f/7.1 at 5.4mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 21-Oct-2007 22:33
Your image and dear Karen share the same magic John.So many thanks for sharing!:o)
Netty 21-Oct-2007 19:10
"October is my time to share my magic"

Thanks John for this sweet tribute to Karen and to her caring song.

Close to you...always.
susan hiatt21-Oct-2007 01:21
hope your unique autumn pal finds your message here..
and sweet Karen Carpenter has thrilled all our hearts with ...close to you...
waiting now for your "scareing us out of our wits" display.....john ireland...
Jason Anderson21-Oct-2007 00:54
Somewhere out there Karen is smiling, honored by your solid gold tribute :o) She's on the top of the world, lookin' down on creation...
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