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05-OCT-2007 Nestor Derkach

Candid in South Portland Maine Harbor

The young lady on the pay phone which really got my attention first and then my eye wandered over to the right.
This lovely lady was enjoying the sunny day on the deck of her vessel, the temperature around 75 degrees F nice soft breeze passing by her.
Her eyes closed and thoughts streaming through her mind about how great life is on this beautiful day in the South Portland Maine harbor.

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Darbowski22-Feb-2008 14:49
Great shot ! V
Gus Rosenfeld14-Feb-2008 08:23
Oh man! Am I ever overdue for that sort of moment. I am so jealous of that variety of idle. And, they aren't out of the dock yet. Nice catch Nestor - g
Simon Chandler18-Oct-2007 05:16
Great shot. Good composition and good use of the perspective of long lens. v
Tom Munson17-Oct-2007 15:05
Nice shot Nestor. Life is good in Maine. V
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography17-Oct-2007 13:40
Excellent shot indeed, very pleasing image, Vote :)
Carol Rollins17-Oct-2007 12:56
Wonderful capture, Nestor! With a scene like this, the tall buildings in the bg are a don't expect to see them there. Very well captured. V.
Fong Lam17-Oct-2007 12:36
Basking under the sun on the deck of a vessel.......that's a great life!!
Lovely shot, Nestor ~V~
Marcia Colelli17-Oct-2007 12:09
Nice candid shot. I am surprised that there are still those that use a pay phone also.
Raymond17-Oct-2007 12:03
Who dies with the most toys wins !
Well... my eye was on the boat accessories first !
Great shot nestor
Andrew Vincent17-Oct-2007 11:58
Life certainly does look good! I enjoyed this very much. Thanks Nestor, VOTE!
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