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Lake Louise, Alberta

Thankfully, I didn't sink...

FujiFilm FinePix A201
1/416s f/4.6 at 5.5mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Sue Anne Rush18-Mar-2021 22:50
Excellent. V
j>a>e>17 :):):)06-Jun-2011 16:53
AWEsome energy TRIP & you ARE one coooliooo dream~dare~dive dude!!!! :):):):P)
Kathryn18-Aug-2009 06:51
What a wonderful SP.
Hope you didn't capsize!
Fay Stout02-Mar-2009 21:04
Nice meeting you Doug... and thanks for offering to bring the biscuits!
Bill Robinson19-Jul-2008 08:17
Staying afloat's half the battle !
Marijka16-Jun-2008 05:36
Nice to see you came cross the pond :)...
Guest 23-Feb-2008 10:26
Good SP Doug and beautiful setting.
(Been to The Rockies a few times in my climbing days!)
Naomi 28-Dec-2007 01:47
Looks like you had a wonderful day. Beautiful landscape in the background, too!
Guest 03-Nov-2007 22:30
Hi Doug, nice to meet you! A beautiful view in the background but please don't turn back, or you'll lose the balance! ;)
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