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Jola Dziubinska | all galleries >> Galleries >> ABOUT JOLA DZIUBINSKA > Cappuccino Waves - Honorable Mention:2008 IPA
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25-SEP-2007 Jola Dziubinska

Cappuccino Waves - Honorable Mention:2008 IPA

Warsaw, Poland

Update Sept. 2008:
This image was part of a series "Enchanted Forest" that received an Honorable Mention in the Fine Art Category of the International Photography Awards. There were a total of 22,872 images submitted from 124 countries in the contest.

Nikon D80 ,Nikkor AF-S DX 17-55 f/2.8G IF-ED

other sizes: small medium large auto
Guest 12-Nov-2014 18:28
Uwielbiam to zdjęcie! Gratulacje Jalu!
cits_4_pets13-Sep-2012 02:51
Excellent abstract. Love the colors and lighting.
Guest 25-Jan-2009 07:57
Outstanding work of photographic art, the textures are almost tactile. v.
Rene Hales11-Nov-2007 22:27
Well done.--Rene
Guest 10-Nov-2007 10:55
this is just great, love it, v.
Nick Powell13-Oct-2007 07:56
An excellent effect, well done! V
JW13-Oct-2007 04:20
Not sure what I am looking at here but it's a striking abstract that grabs the attention
Guest 30-Sep-2007 00:30
Beautiful work, Jola. V
laine8229-Sep-2007 20:29
love the cappucino tones !!
Guest 29-Sep-2007 18:49
interesting Cappuccino
Tom Briggs29-Sep-2007 18:31
Great abstract, Jola ... voted
pr_rajan29-Sep-2007 17:19 musical flow!
Brian McAllister29-Sep-2007 16:59
Beautiful textures and colors Jola.
akleja29-Sep-2007 16:36
Very nice!
Paco López29-Sep-2007 16:26
Beautiful creation!! v!
Terry Olsen29-Sep-2007 15:32
Wonderful abstract image! I love it. V.
Martha Albuquerque29-Sep-2007 15:04
beautiful, Jola*
Milos Markovic29-Sep-2007 14:27
Beautiful abstract, Jola.
Maaike Huizer29-Sep-2007 14:21
Gorgeous. V
Bill Morgenstern29-Sep-2007 13:55
PERFECT title!! Love it!
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