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Mostafa Moftah | all galleries >> Galleries >> Snaps from Singapore > Cards - Geylang Serai, Singapore
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Cards - Geylang Serai, Singapore

© 2007 Mostafa Moftah

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Ed Duverger27-Jul-2014 20:22
Very good candid.
Guest 12-Nov-2010 06:49
Beautiful work! such a magnificent capture of the moment and its feel! While simple it carries such energy that you want to watch it for a while. I am just drawn to the moment! My compliments! ~V
Petros Labrakos14-Sep-2007 21:18
great shot!
Sabina Salihbasic10-Sep-2007 07:03
one has to love this image. great you choose the bw: voted
Martha Albuquerque09-Sep-2007 22:31
hahaha.. little card players.. they are serious :) she has to put her hands up, it's against the rules :) v*
Guest 09-Sep-2007 22:14
Nice one
olivier bruning09-Sep-2007 21:52
ha! the girl takes her game quite seriously and keeps her cards under the table...lovely shot Mostafah! v