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flowsnow | all galleries >> Nature >> Pretty Petals > Spring At Heart
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Spring At Heart


Nikon D80 ,Sigma 18-50mm F2.8 EX DC MACRO
1/100s f/3.5 at 50.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Yiannis Pavlis19-Sep-2007 02:25
the light and contrast are for me the success of the photo .V
Sam_C18-Sep-2007 16:24
Beautiful, delicate, and romantic image. Big Vote!
Liz Bickel12-Sep-2007 06:58
The soft focus is perfect with this rose. Lovely shot.
QUERIDO05-Sep-2007 06:15
Beautiful shot , GMV
Guest 05-Sep-2007 04:24
beautiful soft focus on this delicate rose. v
Cindi Smith04-Sep-2007 23:23
Beautifull shot of this gorgeous rose!
Marcia Colelli04-Sep-2007 23:13
Nice soft and delicate V
CM Kwan04-Sep-2007 22:08
Lovely colour, Tricia! Glad to see your picture of flower again! V
Zaid Kurdi04-Sep-2007 18:16
This is soooo beautiful.....fantastic shot.....V.
Guest 04-Sep-2007 16:33
mesmerizing focal point with softness all around. -v-
CIS04-Sep-2007 15:27
A delicate beauty!
Guest 04-Sep-2007 14:28
beautiful colour, dof.
Guenter Eh04-Sep-2007 14:27
Delicate - magical treatment!
Guest 04-Sep-2007 14:08
Beautiful! v.