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02-SEP-2007 Robaire

Robaires work zone.jpg

Killara, Sydney Australia

This panorama pic was comprised of four vertical images taken with 24mm lens setting. The image is significantly wider than the truth and much mess is behind the camera.
The sliding door is an accidental but handy quiet exit. The French "Australie" sign on the map of London was nicked after one of those meetings in Geneva, when anybody could see that it was no longer required.
The English and French panels were attached to windscreen and rear window of a poor little rented Fiat which Angela and I flogged all over Switzerland on the weekend
before boarding a boat in Basel to sail down the Rhine to Rotterdam via wine centre Rudesheim and other assorted places of interest like Hiedleberg and Cologne etc....QED

Ricoh Caplio GX-100
A 4 frame panorama stitched in Canon software. Very ecumenical. full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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