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Wendy O | all galleries >> China >> Portraits > Portrait 2
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17-NOV-2002 Wendy O

Portrait 2

This picture was taken from a bus window. We were touring one of the cities to
be flooded when the Yangtze is dammed up in 2009. The people in the old cities
are demolishing the structures, saving what they can. This little boy was
outside a shop.

Olympus C-2100UZ
1/400s f/3.2 at 61.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Anna Yu20-Dec-2003 07:41
I really like this candid shot.
Wendy O10-Dec-2002 16:06
A stopped bus, we had just boarded and I saw this out the window. Snapped the picture, and off we went.
fiwit10-Dec-2002 07:05
"taken from a bus window"... MOVING bus, or stopped in traffic? I *really* like this one.