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John Farrar | all galleries >> Galleries >> Images of Devon & Cornwall > Looking Out From Hawkers Hut
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Looking Out From Hawkers Hut

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On the coast at Morwenstow about 10 miles north of Bude...

This was the retreat of Reverend Robert Stephen Hawker, the famous parish priest of Victorian times who did so much to help shipwrecked mariners
both dead and alive. He spent a great deal of time in this hut writing poetry (with the help of Opium which was in fashionable vogue at the time)
and is perhaps most famed for penning the "The Song of the Western Men". aka. The Cornish National Anthem:
'And shall Trelawny die? Then twenty thousand Cornishmen Shall know the reason why!'

Follow the links below for the fascinating story behind Rev. Hawker and his hut...

Konica-Minolta Maxxum 5D
1/125s f/16.0 at 18.0mm iso100 full exif

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