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Thirty years between these shots,
and what stories the mirror could tell!
On the left I am one year after graduation from the University of Edinburgh,
Inducted into the University of Life.
I am one year older than my daughter is now
On the right thirty years hasn't done much for my taste in shirts,
but is my Photography in a similar state!?!
Analogue to digital
A coming of age.

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Barbara Heide15-Nov-2011 13:28
wow that's great!!! v
carabias28-Jul-2011 21:14
Magníficos. V
m.kastelic05-Jul-2011 10:24
great picture!!
rory05-Mar-2011 08:39
Ver smart how you are holding the cameras in the nearly same way!v.
rory05-Mar-2011 08:37
Ver smart how you are holding the cameras in the nearly same way!v.
James Lundy16-Jan-2010 00:47
Wonderful idea. I hope we all still have uncorrupted digital files to do this with thiry years from now. Something that I often worry about.
borisalex06-Jan-2010 20:01
This is excellent and so open minded. Love your choice of shirts! BV
Guest 03-Jan-2010 21:39
Bartosz Kotulski10-Aug-2009 23:00
fantastic self portrai.t .like the idea here. voted
HakTae Kim 20-Jan-2009 18:25
Very good picture! 1977 is the year when I was born. ^^;;
Sam X16-Jan-2009 19:01
i think you look better on the right side picture... thanks for comments
Guest 07-Jan-2009 15:16
Excellent composition and aging process. :)
Evaristo Buendia Carrera12-Dec-2008 04:38
Great idea!

I wanna do the same (for my own record and friends).

Kathryn02-Dec-2008 00:35
I remember you telling me about this, It is really a good idea. Love it.
Enrico Andreoli07-Jul-2008 21:46
Funny! V
BleuEvanescence20-Jun-2008 19:40
Superb image, comparisons and story.
Ehm...the good shape REMAINED unchanged and so is...the "smile" ;)
monica memoli19-May-2008 20:39
Nice to meet you both. :)
Guest 30-Apr-2008 19:32
Great self portrait!
Jim Ross24-Feb-2008 00:14
Good comparision.. The shirt on the right fits better... :-)
Jean-Luc Rollier30-Jan-2008 10:58
Great picture ! I have the same way...
blizzard23-Jan-2008 20:31
now this is a real die hard photographer
I tip my hat in respespect
big vote
Sandi Whitteker17-Jan-2008 17:03
I agree with Walter. You are braver than I! Very fun comparison and commentary. Darn, I don't have a pic 30 years ago with a camera, so guess I can't do the same. :)))
Guest 06-Jan-2008 01:11
It's so great that you have these two pictures and a thirty year love of photography. A wonderful idea.
Walter Otto Koenig05-Jan-2008 17:23
Very cool comparison. I'm not courageous enough to do that.
Dan Chusid15-Dec-2007 00:27
Looks like you bought a new shirt!
Guest 20-Nov-2007 13:57
Excellent planning and execution ;-)
Sheila18-Nov-2007 06:14
What an excellent idea. Great work.
Jola Dziubinska14-Nov-2007 16:20
Fantastic duo SP, wonderful idea :)
Guest 12-Nov-2007 19:44
Really like this, what an insight into time travel..!!
Matylda Lempel-Chareza Photography11-Nov-2007 12:45
Nice compilation.
Guest 10-Nov-2007 19:44
Very good picture!
Jean-Claude Liehn10-Nov-2007 10:40
So time goes even in Scotland.
Good picture...
j>a>e>17 :):):)28-Sep-2007 23:59
30 years of magic & this photo ROCKS :):):)
northstar3722-Sep-2007 21:00
That's an Open University prof on the left!
Máire Uí Mhaicín20-Sep-2007 20:33
This image brings to mind Richard Bach's (of Jonathan Livingston Seagull fame) other book A Bridge across Forever, where the principal character interacts with his younger self. A good read. And this is a good image.-v-
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