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Mandelbrot looks like Julia

This is a plot of a neighborhood of the Mandelbrot set. It looks very much like a Julia set plot. The white spiral patterns in the middle look a lot like the "Fatou dust" you see from Julia sets who's C point is taken from "sea horse valley" on the main Mandelbrot set. (click here to see an illustration showing the location of sea horse valley)

If you found a baby mandelbrot on a dragon shape in sea horse valley, then created a Julia set from the middle of sea horse valley on that baby Mandelbrot, the plot would look a lot like this. See the following Julia set image, which closely resembles this Mandelbrot plot.

This plot is centered on -0.764132421032434, 0.09586555720526728, at a magnification of about 2.41E-12

If you have Fractalworks 4.0 or later installed, you can recreate this plot (with different colors) by clicking here

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