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akleja | all galleries >> The garden galleries >> My rose galleries >> Roses 2007 >> Apricot and Orange roses > Trojka
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Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ20
1/320s f/4.0 at 6.0mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Rosi Blaurock12-Aug-2007 06:41
Beautiful shot.
glimpses by lu12-Aug-2007 05:04
A perfect rose!!! The color and beauty is stunning!! v
Simon Chandler12-Aug-2007 02:48
Such beautiful and lovely color. v
Jay Levin12-Aug-2007 01:31
Great shot of a total beauty. Vote
Guenter Eh11-Aug-2007 20:20
Gorgeous - I`m blinded by the color!
fdt11-Aug-2007 19:46
Beautiful rose and excellent capture! Vote. f
Guest 11-Aug-2007 19:07
This is a beautiful one, wonderful..v
Guest 11-Aug-2007 18:38
a gorgeous rose.
firstbrook11-Aug-2007 18:12
Looks even more beautiful in the low light
Al Chesworth11-Aug-2007 17:57
This is lovely.
yosi aptekar11-Aug-2007 16:05
excellent color, voted.
Dave Wixx11-Aug-2007 15:54
A beautiful rose, lovely colour.
Chris Thorpe11-Aug-2007 15:33
Outstanding shot, perfect rose! ~V~
Katie Chew11-Aug-2007 14:46
Beautiful color. V
Tom Munson11-Aug-2007 13:41
Beautiful image of this outstanding Rose. V
Renee Lockett11-Aug-2007 12:28
Glorious, right colors on that beauty. Beautiful shot.
oeil_de_focus11-Aug-2007 11:24
Very nice color and details.
Joanne Kamo11-Aug-2007 11:20
Awesome color and beauty! V
laine8211-Aug-2007 10:51
That's one very bright rose !! GMV for clarity.
Gus Rosenfeld11-Aug-2007 10:13
Right on the money! You were watching that one ;-) Not a chew mark to be seen! Beautiful color control and DoF. g
zyziza11-Aug-2007 10:13
Outstanding color!!! V
Andrew Vincent11-Aug-2007 08:25
Lovely gradation of colour, a beautiful rose! As usual superb clarity. VOTE!
Yvonne11-Aug-2007 07:55
Wow, that one colours up well for you Ann! Its a great rose and does well here too
and has a good perfume. Superb shot.
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