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Peter Stahl | all galleries >> birds_of_the_world >> Local Birds/Animals > Yellow warbler.jpg
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Yellow warbler.jpg

Canon EOS-1D Mark III
1/1000s f/5.6 at 700.0mm iso640 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 03-Aug-2007 01:03
Beautiful shot, lovely bird with great detail and DOF.
Yi Feng31-Jul-2007 02:47
Beautiful capture of this little lovely bird. Superb sharpness and setting! V
Guest 30-Jul-2007 23:31
Excellent capture & great lighting..V
Guest 30-Jul-2007 23:27
I love your bird shots. You give each one a personality! vote
Breland30-Jul-2007 18:35
Super detail Peter. gmv
Bryan Murahashi30-Jul-2007 15:07
Beautiful bird and capture. V
Nestor Derkach30-Jul-2007 13:36
Great capture Peter , great eye contact and glitter, very nice transparrent frame for you image display.
s_barbour30-Jul-2007 13:16
Magnificent close up shot Peter, I really like the soft background and beautiful lighting. vote~
Matthew Mannell30-Jul-2007 13:12
Exciting close-up! Great detail and energy, vote.
Fong Lam30-Jul-2007 12:08
Beautiful colors, lighting and details ~V~
QUERIDO30-Jul-2007 12:06
Beautiful shot, V
Al Chesworth30-Jul-2007 11:59
What a little beauty.
Hank Vander Velde30-Jul-2007 10:45
Very nicely done Peter. V.
Guest 30-Jul-2007 08:47
a beauty, compo, dof, frame.
Guest 30-Jul-2007 08:44
gorgeous image with stunning light
Dan Ng30-Jul-2007 06:29
Excellent closeup, Peter. V.
Enrique30-Jul-2007 05:22
Very nice.
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