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Canon EOS 20D
1/80s f/8.0 at 24.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Carol How28-Dec-2009 06:25
Yes, the light is just superb in this image- great leading lines and gentle tones too!
Nick Powell01-Sep-2007 08:10
Superb light and perspective, well captured Yiannis. Thanks also for your recent comments and vote, cheers Nick.
Debbie Blackburn Beierle26-Aug-2007 04:22
Great compo. Love the lighting and POV. Vote
Vince11-Aug-2007 15:35
Wonderful composition. Vote.
Wendy O19-Jul-2007 12:18
The light!!!!
Guest 17-Jul-2007 14:59
I love the light glowing from inside. wonderful
peterjay4514-Jul-2007 14:40
Excellent perspective, Yiannis, lovely light and colur. V.
Rosi Blaurock14-Jul-2007 09:19
Wonderful shot.
Nestor Derkach13-Jul-2007 14:34
Love the soft colors ,light and the point of view you chose.
Nice sharp image to boot.
Bill Robinson13-Jul-2007 01:39
Wonderful perspective and lovelt warm glow.
silvia marmori12-Jul-2007 16:26
excellent angle and so warm light..
Guest 10-Jul-2007 13:04
beautiful prospective and the light is just perfect....
Giancarlo Guzzardi10-Jul-2007 09:02
being involved image, with light much evocative one... splendid
Guest 09-Jul-2007 21:36
Beautiful light