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beverley harrison | all galleries >> the_previous_years >> pad year 3 >> july3 > almost there!!
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almost there!!

thought i would have a go at getting around a bit far so good!!

Canon EOS 350D
1/100s iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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JW08-Jul-2007 10:20
Floral-tastic! Take it easy, Bev
Carole Stevens07-Jul-2007 20:17
Love this one and the hi-key effect, just gorgeous!
Glad your getting up and about again huny!
Johnny JAG07-Jul-2007 19:16
A round!!!! You shouldn't be playing golf in your condition!
Love the dof.
Faye White07-Jul-2007 16:27
very pretty! hope you are feeling better!
Guest 07-Jul-2007 15:28
what kind of flower is this - it looks wicked familiar - very pretty bev - well done
Ray :)07-Jul-2007 12:33
ooh well done - enjoy the weekend!
Susanne v. Schroeder07-Jul-2007 12:01
Very pretty! Love the softness.
Susan Leigh07-Jul-2007 11:43
A really beautiful image. vote.
Ann...07-Jul-2007 10:48
So soft, so soft ahhhhhhh! wonderful.
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography07-Jul-2007 10:46
Beautiful, Vote :)
laine8207-Jul-2007 09:22
Was worth the effort...this is lovely !!
Lee Rudd07-Jul-2007 09:20
sniffing the flowers is always good for the soul.... love the softnesssss
Abescat Charles07-Jul-2007 09:15
Magnifique. Excellent shot!
Guest 07-Jul-2007 08:57
take care, so wonderful,love the softness.