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Jean-Luc Rollier | all galleries >> Galleries >> La rue, les gens... > Dog stop.
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©Jean-Luc Rollier

Dog stop.

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globalgadabout25-Apr-2008 02:13
very nice...glad to see someone is putting out water for passing dogs...a very kind gesture...V
Marie-Hélène Raletz25-Aug-2007 10:31
Un trompe l'oeil qui a du chien! :)
Guest 04-Jul-2007 13:33
Good one.
Paco López01-Jul-2007 17:50
Very good find!!!! Big vote1
Guest 01-Jul-2007 15:44
great shot.
silvia marmori01-Jul-2007 13:06
good find.. excellent captured,!
Ceya01-Jul-2007 12:15
Nice find, Jean-Luc! V
Eric Carrère01-Jul-2007 11:23
Bien vu JL ;o)
marie-jose wolff01-Jul-2007 11:22
excellente trouvaille, Jean -Luc!
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