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Craig Artlett | all galleries >> Galleries >> Favorites > Nigel - 3 months
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Nigel - 3 months

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Bill Warren02-Feb-2008 02:42
A perfect nose, wild eyes and then that tongue--yum yum. V
Sandi Whitteker10-Nov-2007 15:53
I remember this guy! Super shot of his so cute face.
Isabel Cutler17-Sep-2007 18:40
I am sending a cyber-cuddle to this adorable baby! Love that tongue sticking out.
Bernard Bosmans16-Sep-2007 02:48
Nigel is very photogenic and knows it too. Great shot.
Guest 11-Aug-2007 14:56
Playful little Nigel...... wrrrrrr, lovely eyes too.
Maxim Popykin07-Aug-2007 07:36
very cute :)
Karen Moen28-Jul-2007 21:38
Nigel looks like he has had a bit too much catnip! Lol! Voted.