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Xin Qiu | all galleries >> Galleries >> Favorites > Portrait.
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I credit my wife who took this shot of me while I was busy on taking pictures of the Wave.
Believe or not, this was out of her tiny Sony DSC-T30. No crop. Resized.

other sizes: small medium large auto
Ashley Hockenberry06-Nov-2011 01:51
Nick Powell10-Sep-2011 22:46
This really adds scale to such a dramatic landscape, well done to your wife for seeing the potential of this shot!
Susan Rovira23-Jan-2011 18:19
My husband took a very similar shot of me in this same location, with his point and shoot, and it was better than anything I shot that day.
Fred Parsons10-Dec-2010 06:31
Sorry the Q and the U were supposed to line up over the I but pbase did not co-operate
Fred Parsons10-Dec-2010 06:30
Congratulations to your wife from now on you will have to be
"X" marks the spot ! Your image helps make the perspective ;-)
Guest 03-Dec-2010 14:07
WOW ! What a wonderful shot...
Compliments to your wife :)
Don Taylor30-Nov-2010 20:02
Very cool Xin !
Rob Oele10-Oct-2010 21:40
Incredible. V
Francisco Figueras08-Oct-2010 13:40
Wooooooooooooow!! !
Victoria30-Aug-2009 18:51
Wow, indeed, amazing.
Michel CORBOZ21-Aug-2009 10:14
Tremendous! you are a lucky man. Great site. V
Guest 26-Jun-2007 05:56
Amazing shot !
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