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Phil Douglis | all galleries >> Galleries >> Gallery Forty-Seven: How using words in pictures can expand meaning > Cow Crossing, Point Reyes Seashore, California, 2007
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Cow Crossing, Point Reyes Seashore, California, 2007

Dairy cows graze on farms that sprawl across the twisting roads of the Point Reyes Seashore nature preserve. The words on this sign warn us of potential obstacles in the road. Although there is not another car in sight, we must proceed slowly. Very slowly. I build this image around the curving white lines that divide our territory from the bovine domain. The road carries us past the three subjects that stand to the right of it: a rock, a cow, and the words on that sign.

Leica V-Lux 1
1/320s f/5.6 at 41.1mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Phil Douglis23-Jul-2007 00:15
I felt the same way, Iris, even as I made this image. Time slows to a crawl here -- the overloaded cow goes nowhere, the sign limits our own speed, and that big rock, shaped like a clenched fist, threatens to punish us if we should go by it too fast. Meanwhile, the curving road keeps all of those things in their own place, as if they were exhibits in a museum. There is also a feeling of emptyness here -- nothing in that sky, and aside from the cow, the sign and the rocks, nothing is in the field, either. All of which makes this, as you note, a very surreal image.
Iris Maybloom (irislm)23-Jul-2007 00:00
There's something very surreal about this image. I'm drawn to the feeling it conveys.
Phil Douglis20-Jun-2007 17:51
I was waiting for this pun, Rosemarie. Thank you for the toast.
sunlightpix20-Jun-2007 16:21
Your composition is "udderly" divine! I raise a glass of milk toast to you!
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