Chinatown reflects both Asian traditions and the dynamic presence of a 21st century American city. The words on the wall are in an Asiatic language. They seem to be incongruously at odds with the woman who pushes her stroller beneath them. Another woman slumps next to a tree, her shopping bags at her feet. She seems to exist in a world of her own. This image would probably mean even more to those who understand the meaning of the words on that wall. A final incongruity is provided by the reflections in the windows – a futuristic cityscape appears to us, but neither of these women will ever see it.
(Since I first posted this image, viewer CeiPui Wong has emailed me to tell us that " the words in this image are written in Traditional Chinese, the 3 big words on the top line means "Very Delicious", the 5 words in bottom line means "A Leisure Eatery Place". Thanks, CeiPui. Now we can view this image with full context for it.