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Philippine Aviation | all galleries >> Galleries >> Cristina Herranz-Lotilla - PAL Int'l F/A 1950s > Philippine Air Lines (PAL) flight & cabin crew of the late 1940's to early 1950s.
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26-May-2007 Jack Hannen

Philippine Air Lines (PAL) flight & cabin crew of the late 1940's to early 1950s.

South San Francisco, CA

My mother-in-law TINA HERRANZ-LOTILLA (on the right) & BECKY SANTOS (2nd from the right)
used to be Philippine Air Lines (PAL) International F/As in the 50s while Capt. JAMES O'BANNON
(2nd from the left) flew with PAL from 1946 to 1983.

The three of them flew on DC-6's from Manila to San Francisco via Guam, Wake,
the Marshall Islands & Honolulu.

Manila-Guam was about 4 hours
Guam-Wake about 6 hours
Wake-Honolulu about 8 hours
Honolulu-San Franciscoo about 8 hours
Total of about 26 hours flying time.

According to Tina the cabin crew slept at the Women's Army Corps (WAC) barracks in Wake Island.

102603 216.jpg

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Joanne Harper-Vickers 14-Jul-2009 18:34
Hello: My mother, Araceli Ruiz Harper, was a PAL flight attendant in the 40's - She is alive and well in Des Moines, Iowa. Does anyone have a picture of the PAL inaugural flight crew to Madrid, Spain? I live in Toronto, Canada and met the daughter of Mathilde Gyoso who may have been on that flight...we are trying to determine if our mothers knew one another. Thank you
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