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Yves Rubin | all galleries >> California Beaches >> Santa Monica Beach > Joggers
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I added the jogger reflection on the seaweed pod from the subsequent frame.

Canon PowerShot SD1000
1/80s f/8.0 at 5.8mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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lisamidi09-Nov-2009 20:44
Brilliant image, I love the contrasts and the composition. v
Martha Albuquerque16-Jun-2008 12:51
brilliant! v~
Guest 15-Mar-2008 06:54
A clever use of depth!
Guest 08-Jan-2008 18:23
Great image. Well composed. V
Wenche Aune03-Jun-2007 08:49
Great perspective.
Eric Carrère03-Jun-2007 06:36
Superb !
Alejandro02-Jun-2007 21:23
Very well composed. V
Guest 02-Jun-2007 17:06
Superb shot - great timing and movement!V
Silvia Roitman02-Jun-2007 16:01
Excellent angle!
Guest 02-Jun-2007 10:35
Great idea and timing for this composition, Yves. Well done! ~V~
12302-Jun-2007 09:42
Love it. V
Dan Ng02-Jun-2007 09:00
Nice perspective.