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Hidden (2)

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Yiannis Pavlis25-May-2007 11:43
Excellent macro .V.
Terri Steele24-May-2007 13:06
I LOVE the backlit wings.... Excellent!
Guest 23-May-2007 21:08
Great capture
Jay Levin23-May-2007 17:44
Wonderful lighting in this. What a long proboscis it has! Vote
Liz Bickel23-May-2007 16:43
The lighting is amazing. Beautiful shot in all ways.
Nestor Derkach23-May-2007 10:19
I love the softness of this image , very pleasant !!! Vote
Guest 23-May-2007 05:13
very romantic - postcard like image -
Zaid Kurdi23-May-2007 04:35
Excellent shot,Voted
Char23-May-2007 04:06
Hi Alain,
This is terrific! \/
Guest 23-May-2007 03:07
Randy Carter
beautifully done v
Yi Feng23-May-2007 02:28
Beautiful macro shot. V
NealyBob23-May-2007 01:47
Fabulous close-up~! v
Barb23-May-2007 00:26
Wonderful shot and lighting. Vote.
Wei O'Connell22-May-2007 23:46
Beautiful color and light. v
Hank Vander Velde22-May-2007 23:40
Very nice, well done. V.
Cindi Smith22-May-2007 23:20
Feeling around for that nectar! Wonderful shot..doesn't want his picture taken!
poetry66622-May-2007 21:45
WOW. Outstanding composition Alain. Big V!
Rosi Blaurock22-May-2007 21:44
Beautiful shot.
wernere0122-May-2007 21:17
Like the light shining through the wing.
Guest 22-May-2007 21:12
Brill Tortoiseshell..v
Guest 22-May-2007 21:04
A superb composition! Congratulations on this one, Vince. ~V~
Alejandro22-May-2007 20:06
Superb picture. Well done. V.
akleja22-May-2007 19:06
Very beautiful! Vote.
Knox O22-May-2007 19:02
nicely done! V*
Guest 22-May-2007 18:56
Stunning macro~ Voted.
Aivar Mikko22-May-2007 18:53
Nice spring macro. V.
Guest 22-May-2007 18:51
Wow! That's something new. A beautiful butterfly half-hided behind the beautiful flower. :o) Her wing is so pretty. Gmv.
yosi aptekar22-May-2007 15:08
excellent, voted.
Bryan Murahashi22-May-2007 14:47
Excellent capture. V
Guest 22-May-2007 14:42
Gorgeous colors and composition, wonderful textures Querido...well done!! V!!
CIS22-May-2007 14:16
How marvelous!!!
Matthew Mannell22-May-2007 14:07
Gorgeous image! I love the detail in the back-lit wing, fabulous! Vote
Dr. Michael G. Mathews22-May-2007 13:46
Wonderful macro. Excellent DoF, great detail, superb lighting.
Marcia Colelli22-May-2007 12:45
very nice macro, cute how his little tongue is reaching over the flower V
Vince22-May-2007 12:37
Great capture. Vote.
Guest 22-May-2007 12:33
excellent, great light and compo.
Katie Chew22-May-2007 12:31
Excellent shot! V
mojoflowerchick22-May-2007 11:58
so sayith my 9 year old...;-)
mojoflowerchick22-May-2007 11:58
It is beautiful!
s_barbour22-May-2007 11:46
Spectacular macro shot Alain, so sharp and such excellent details! Vote~
Fong Lam22-May-2007 11:30
Hiding from the photographer ;o)
Nice !! ~V~
Guest 22-May-2007 11:06
Très originale cette prise de vue et bien rendue . Bravo !
routerer22-May-2007 10:29
Brilliant shot, almost transparent wings.
john +V
Marjan Schavemaker22-May-2007 09:58
Excellent, Alain! -V-
Guest 22-May-2007 09:39
Excellent shot! v
fred_il22-May-2007 09:37
Ce contre-jour est superbe!
Ceya22-May-2007 08:24
Great capture! V
12322-May-2007 08:12
Fantastic. V
Yvonne22-May-2007 08:09
Magnificent shot Alain! vote
Dan Ng22-May-2007 07:57
Wow...perfect timing and composition. Wonderful light on the wings. The tongue is straight out too! V.
Andrew Vincent22-May-2007 07:48
Never known butterflies to be bashful! Lovely shot Alain! Vote.
Sam_C22-May-2007 07:12
What a fabulous close-up, I can see the eye peeping out!! V
laine8222-May-2007 06:54
Stunning colour contrast between, yet both so delicate
Gerard Koehl22-May-2007 06:36
Superbe cette macro avec un angle de vu particulier. V
Eric Carrère22-May-2007 06:17
Une très belle macro Alain, bravo !
mario .n22-May-2007 06:14
Stunning Alain ,well done ! V
olivier bruning22-May-2007 06:03
caught in the act! beautiful shot,vote
Nick Powell22-May-2007 06:03
Superb light and composition, well done! Voted
Paco López22-May-2007 05:56
Spectacular!!!!! Big vote!!
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