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Katie Chew | all galleries >> Galleries >> john_day > John Day River
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John Day River

Nikon D70
1/125s f/25.0 at 70.0mm iso1600 full exif

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Essa Al Ali02-Jan-2010 15:23
Beautiful scenery. Great composition and saturation.
Guest 25-Jul-2007 01:52
Randy Carter
Beautiful Shot v
Guest 26-Jun-2007 00:21
This is outstanding, Katie. Such brilliant color. What a view! V
carol j. phipps21-Jun-2007 16:40
An Angel kicked over the paint buckets. Amazing ! Vote
Greg Harp18-May-2007 02:06
Gorgeous scenic.
Wei O'Connell17-May-2007 02:32
Beautiful scene. Great composition. v
Neal Nye16-May-2007 11:21
These rich colors are so pleasing. What a fine shot!
Guest 15-May-2007 05:35
Definitely a dream shot... very creative, Katie!
Liz Bickel15-May-2007 05:28
How scenic! It looks like a dream.
QUERIDO15-May-2007 04:59
Beautiful shot,vote
Rich Westfall15-May-2007 04:10
Beautiful saturated color in this one Katie. Looks like a painting.
Guest 15-May-2007 01:49
What a scene! V
Char15-May-2007 00:41
Hi Katie,
A pretty shot and wonderful colors.
Robin Reid15-May-2007 00:11
Very pretty Katie.
Guest 14-May-2007 23:49
Great scenery and colors. V
Thierry Lucas14-May-2007 21:48
Beautiful shot.
Buz Kiefer14-May-2007 21:46
Very different. It would made a great ad or CD cover. Vote.
Jola Dziubinska14-May-2007 20:16
Stunning colors and landscape.
Robert Charity14-May-2007 15:46
super shot, V
Guest 14-May-2007 15:44
Beautiful! v
Bryan Murahashi14-May-2007 14:59
Nice, deep colors in this capture.
Tom Munson14-May-2007 14:35
Very nice. V
Marcia Colelli14-May-2007 14:34
wow, nice beautiful adn vivd colors V
Eric Carrère14-May-2007 14:33
Superb Katie, V.
caveman_lee14-May-2007 14:24
Great scenery and vivid colors. V
Guest 14-May-2007 13:39
Very nice scenic...
carol j. phipps14-May-2007 13:05
A dream of a spot. Amazing colors.
Randy Adams14-May-2007 12:57
Very nice Katie...the color sat works very well here.
Chris Thorpe14-May-2007 12:55
Beautiful color saturation, excellent landscape. V