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Jim Larkin | all galleries >> Galleries >> Portraits > Hannah, 7
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Hannah, 7

Nikon D50
1/320s f/9.0 at 24.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 06-Mar-2008 07:20
Really great photo, Jim. This is very cool.
Cindi Smith01-Jul-2007 21:14
She is a beauty! Beautiful image and I love the perspective in this shot!
Jen Bixler04-May-2007 23:39
It would be so cool to revisit this same spot every year and watch her grow....Love is beautiful and so is Hannah.
Mike Stobbs04-May-2007 22:57
Yes the fill, pose and comp. it just perfect on this image Jim..vell done..GMV..Mike
John Buffin04-May-2007 21:33
I'm so glad to see you working with this technique more.
This is your best shot yet. LOVE the pose and comp. Is the flash on a stand to your right or is someone holding it for you?
The pressure is on me now to get working on this style shot.
Neil Horner04-May-2007 18:55
awesome Jim ! perfect use of fill in flash ! vote .
Guest 04-May-2007 17:09
Sweet shot!
Guest 04-May-2007 16:24
totally KILLER shot!!!
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