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July 31, 1989

Pingal and Guns

Pingal, Gilgit Agency, Pakistan

A scenic place to take some photos. We carried guns for protection. We were in areas obviousily far away from police. Also there was the possibilty of animals coming out of the mountains looking for a horse snack. We were issued 'All Pakistan' gun licences in Islamabad. Officals in Islamabad knew we would be far away from any offical protection. They told us if it came down to it, shoot first, and it would be sorted out later in Islamabad. Fortunately we never had to use the guns.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Noor Khan27-Oct-2021 23:31
They didn't know you carried a riding crop!
Ayesha 19-Sep-2021 16:07
One of the main reasons we were issued gun permits is that I was the photographer on the trip, Mirza's wife. The government was concerned that with a woman along on the journey, we would attract too much attention and unwanted problems. That is why I wore a turban, as a way to blend in and distract from being a woman. Ayesha Seddiqa Khan
Noor Khan21-Apr-2009 13:26
Wa aliekum'asalaam, Abdullah Jan
We were traveling (by horse) from Peshawar to Chitral, Kalash, over Shandur to Gilgit, Chillas, over Babu Sar, through Kaghan to Muzzafarabad, Islamabad, over Tarbella, and back to Peshawar. The guns were mostly in case of animals and as we were traveling so long and far, for a little protection. You never know. God knows!
Islamabad even stamped in our 'All Pakistan Gun Licences' permission to carry 500 cartridges!
One of us (there were 4), another American Muslim, had ridden from Peshawar to Chitral in 1983 and was attacked bu Afghan majureen. Of course he didn't speak the languages (and it was around Warai-before Malakond). We had no problems, but as I mentioned, speaking the language and knowing the culture helps!
Are you from Gilgit? Or are you the Italian Abdullah who lives/lived in Gilgit? If you are him, you must recognize Asadullah (CuChullaine) in some of the snaps?
Where are you now?
Khuda hafiz
Guest 21-Apr-2009 04:29
Asalaam Aleikum, rode myself through the Ghizar district several times between 2000 and 2004, often heading to the Shandur Polo tournament from Gilgit ... just wondering about the guns...
Guest 09-Nov-2007 06:35
Please delete the description of this pic. It will scare away the tourists. Northern Areas is crime wise the safest area in Pakistan. There is no crime except in Gilgit and Chillas, that too, for settling personal enmities. Sarmad
Eldar Kadymov07-Jun-2007 13:09
Ah, common Noor, what kind of gun is that ?! You should've had AK-47, then you might've felt right protected, LOL !
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